Explore Top Hardware & Services
in Battle Creek, MI

Our Services near Battle Creek, MI

Top by Battle Creek, MI’S Favorite Hardware Supply Store
Got a home improvement project on the horizon? Want to get down and dirty with some yardwork? Find all the right tools and equipment for the job at Urbandale Hardware Inc. Our team is proud to offer a wide selection of tools, paint and small engine equipment! We keep only proven name brands in stock and are the area’s only carriers of Echo products. If you’re not sure what hardware would be best for your needs, discuss your project with one of our team members. They’ll be happy to point you in the right direction!
Make sure you’ve got everything you need to start your next project-come peruse the impressive product selection at Urbandale Hardware.

We’ve Got Everything Your Project Needs to Succeed Like Hardware Supplies, Paint & More!
If you’re in need of quality hardware supplies or small engine equipment, visit Urbandale Hardware in Battle Creek, Michigan. We’ve got it all, including:
- Interior and exterior paint
- Chrome fasteners
- Screens
- Pipe and tubing tools
- Small engine and equipment services
You’ll find all of the above and more at Urbandale Hardware. Swing by or call 269-224-6795 today.
Unmissable Monthly Specials: Get Your Essential Hardware Tools Now!

Bring Broken Equipment to the Experts at Urbandale Hard
Nothing is more frustrating than gearing up for a major project and finding out that your equipment isn’t up for the job. If you’re having trouble with your lawnmower, snowblower or chainsaw, come see the repair team at Battle Creek, MI’s Urbandale Hardware. We’ll troubleshoot and repair all of your small engine equipment. If it can be saved, we’ll have it back up and running in a timely manner.
Contact Urbandale Hardware to learn more.